Brick & Mortar Store
It has been a month since the store front opened and I can’t believe 4 weeks have already passed.
In my mind, I always knew it would be incredible to actually have a store where people could shop, but even my visions and dreams didn’t hold up to the actual amazingness of it all.
I am settling in to the store front, so now I am working hard on the online store. I find myself solo on this endeavor as the person I had hired, decided to go full time at an incredible job opportunity she had…. And I can’t fault her for that, but this is my weak point, so bear with me please. I have to learn as I go.
On the home life front, we are loving all these fall colors and soaking in the beauty of this place we get to call HOME.
All the pups are doing well and Frank is hard at work each day preparing us for the coming winter.
Please enjoy a few photos from the fall scenery and know, I am working hard to bring everything together.